Shipping Policy

Delivery times

Estimated delivery times can be found on the product pages under the "Delivery& Returns" section.

Please note that the estimated delivery times on the product pages are estimates only and are calculated based on the information provided by our suppliers, as well as the latest courier performances. Actual delivery times depend on factors such as courier performance, weather or other factors or delays outside our control.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we make every effort for you to receive your items within 5-9 business days from the date full payment has been received by us. If 9 business days have gone by since the time you have made full payment for your order and you still haven't received your item, please contact us via our "Contact Us" page.

Tracking the status of your orders

One you have placed an order with us you will receive an order confirmation email and/or a text message from us which contains a link to view the status of your order. You can visit this order status page any time to view your order status and track your order items. If you have created an account with us you can also login, simply head to the "My Account" section to view your order history and track the status of your orders.

Dispatch information

Dealbest sources products from suppliers in Australia and overseas. Products are shipped directly to our customers from our suppliers using freight partners including (but not limited to) Australia Post. We currently do not stock products or offer pick up services, however this will be offered in the near future. To find out the estimated delivery times please refer to the "Delivery & Returns" section for each product available on the product page. For logistical reasons, products may be delivered in separate shipments. If you have any questions or concerns or if you require any assistance, please get in touch with us via our contact page prior to placing an order.

We recommend you closely monitor the tracking updates to stay up to date with the latest tracking updates. For logistical reasons, items in the same order may be sent in separate packages.

Free standard shipping

Dealbest offers free standards shipping Australia wide on all items.